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For a PAL 1, I visited a virtual museum exhibit entitled 'Writing the Future: Basquiat and the Hip-Hop Generation'
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. I used this material as a resource in creating contextual resource material for a lesson I was teaching to my middle school students during my placement. The lesson was about graffiti and street art and this exhibit was a wonderful source of material to share with my students. 

PAL 1, for this PAL I explored an exhibit at Stephen Friedman Gallery, titled ‘Latin America from 1950 to 2020’. It showcased  Latian American artists who have been influential since the 1950s. It features the work of one of my favorite artists. BEATRIZ MILHAZES,

PALS 1&2

For a PAL 2, I created a video and photos of step by step printmaking with common household materials. during the covid restrictions creating content has been for viral lessons. This image is one of the series of photos for the lesson.

For this PAL 2, I led a group mosaic project for several of my neighbor's children ranging in age from 5-11. This project could be completed outdoors for safety. 

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